Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Maddi had her first field day last Friday and we all went to cheer her on!  Macy came also and crawled around the field and smiled for pictures most of the time. We loved it and loved getting to watch Maddi have so much fun.

Afterwards, we dropped Josh off at work and ran to grab Trip a GRAD-U-ATION gift. Can you believe it? Wasn't he just 7 years old chasing my friends around with scissors and his machete? Using his scissors to CUT THE SEATBELTS OUT of my dad's car.

So anyways, we headed to Barnes and Noble to pick him up a book series. Me, Maddi, and Macy. THE DAY OF his graduation. We plan our gifts for others like we plan for parenthood. THOROUGH. As soon as we walk in, Maddi starts saying she wants a coffee. And I say no. And I'm SoOoO mean from then on. At least until I let her pick out a book from the clearance section and I'm "The best, most special, amazing, excellent mommy ever!" Is it bipolar disorder or just 6 year old disorder?

We celebrated Trip's graduation that night and stayed up way too late playing ping pong. Because we're lame like that.

Maddi made a book for Mrs. Lewis (her teacher) to give to her tomorrow for her last day of school. At the end she wanted to put, "And we are going to move to Longview but we might be back in Tyler one day of our life and we might see you if we ever go get groceries." I told her it was too long and it didn't really make sense. She looked at me like I had 10 heads, grabbed a fistful of hair, and stomped off crying. Only to return 10 seconds later with a new ending sentence. "A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z THANK YOU!"

So that's what she put. And she couldn't have been more proud. And neither could we.

Macy has started standing alone today!!!!!!!
Yes, she's 4 months "behind schedule" but she smiles and sleeps a lot so we forgave her.
She goes from crawling to army crawling to pause to standing up.

Then we all scream, shout, clap, fist pump, and jump up and down at how much of a genius she is.

Then we have to do the same to Maddi.

And Maddi has never stood so tall and straight. Smiling ear to ear as we cheer her on for standing.

It's the little things, really.

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