Josh bought me a sewing machine for Christmas that I was really excited about! (Never thought I'd say that) I bought some patterns and now need some fabric to make some cute little girl clothes. Any ideas on where to get some good fabric?? I've looked at Hancocks here in Tyler and saw some cute things, but was looking for something a little different. Oh and by good, I mean inexpensive. :) I have youtubed a ton of videos and now I really want to start. Like now. I'm really bad about that.
I worked a night shift on Tuesday night at ETMC. I love getting to stay at home and take care of my girls but it is very nice to also get to see some friends and work and take care of people. I feel much more productive at work then I do when I'm at home. I think everyone needs that. I look forward to Maddi getting home at 3 and Josh getting home around 6 so much. I feel like there days are so interesting!
Maddi's class went to Barnes and Noble on Wednesday and got to pick out a book to buy. Maddi chose The Secret Garden with the necklace. I loved those books when I was little. Then I realized she didn't really care about the book, she just wanted the "gold" key necklace. She wore it to school today- paired with her awesome tye-died peace T-shirt, not Joe's Crab Shack, and her skinny jeans. She is one fashion forward girl.
I'm doing so bad on my New Years goals it's unreal. I have yet to pick up a book to read and I'm less organized if anything. I have also not finished Macy's new little cabinet thing for her room! But I did get my hair done, watched the bachelor, spent way to long looking at sewing videos and fabric, and found some new recipes. I've got to work on this! Maybe I should be doing that now?
Maddi and Macy took their first bath together last night. Looking back now I can say that it was pretty funny. Maddi swam around Macy almost knocking her down, (don't worry Josh and I were both right there) they both ate bubbles (yes, both) and took several pictures with bubbles on top of their heads. In every picture Macy looks really scared and Maddi is smiling ear to ear. Maddi later told me that that was "her most fun thing she has ever done with Macy." I don't think Macy would say the same.
Maddi just came in and asked to play outside, I said yes and she replied "Well hot dog hot dog hot diggity dog" Then ran off.
I just got crocheting needles and yarn and bought some patterns for baby hats and pea have YET to touch them. I'm the same way! I'm either in the mood RIGHT NOW or I'm too busy! Lol We should just pick a day and sew/crochet together! :)