We chose not to get cable and have so far really appreciated the time we have to all spend together. The girls are growing up so fast! We play more games and read more together. I'm so blessed to have a husband who appreciates these things just as much as I do. Although, I do miss some Real Housewives of New Jersey!
Maddi has improved so much lately in her reading, I am so so impressed with her. Homework is much easier and doesn't take all the hair pulling and flailing about on the floor. She enjoys reading and enjoys math and is such a joy to be around. She enjoys reading various signs we see as we drive down the road as well as magazine covers in the grocery store aisle- which always make for awkward conversation. Like, "So mom, who is Lady Gaga?"
Macy is still the sweetest, smiliest baby I've ever been around. She loves giving hugs and kisses and playing for hours. Which is why our laundry basket MIGHT be overflowing. She can still only say her three words that stand for 100 different things. Da-da, Night night, and ma-ma. Everyone is da-da except ma-ma. And juice, blanket, food, and everything else she might want are all night night. Genius. She loves to run around outside and go for walks in her stroller. She loves sleeping with Maddi and playing tickle. She loves flipping through the pages of a book while listening to us read to Maddi. We love her so much!
Josh and I have been reading Love&Respect by Emerson Eggerichs and have really enjoyed it. Such an eye opener at how different men and women really are. I love our marriage and love being married to him. What a blessing it is to have a husband that considers it to be a woman's highest calling to be a wife, mother, and homemaker.
Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow,
For babies grow up we've learned to our sorrow.
So settle down cobwebs.
Dust go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby, and babies don't keep.